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Effects of sulforaphane in the central nervous system
13 May 2019
Pharmacological effects of SFN as well as their possible mechanisms in prevention and/or therapy of disorders afflicting the CN... More

Pharmacodynamic evaluation of novel Catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitors
04 Feb 2019
At lower concentrations, CNCAPE did not reduce cell viability, suggesting that CNCAPE may have a potential therapeutic role as ... More

The protective mechanisms of polydatin in cerebral ischemia
06 Dec 2018
Review of polydatin provides convincing evidence regarding the potential of polydatin to be developed into preventive or therap... More

An outline for the pharmacological effect of icariin in the nervous system
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The pharmacological development of icariin as well as its possible mechanisms in prevention and/or therapy of disorders afflict... More

Bupropion overdose in adolescents: Three cases illuminating presentations and sequelae - A case s
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Because of the multiple indications for bupropion use and an increase in its prescribing, it is important to recognize the vari... More

Uses of fluoxetine in nociceptive pain management: A literature overview
07 May 2018
Fluoxetine offers an effective, safe, and tolerable alternative for management of both inflammatory pain and opioid tolerance a... More

Antithrombotic activity of SBT-828 in models of arterial thrombosis
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SBT-828 had a dose-dependent antithrombotic activity in an electrically-induced thrombosis model and showed superiority over th... More

Metformin: On ongoing journey across bladder cancer
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The proposed mechanisms of anti-carcinogenic effects of metformin and cohort of these mechanisms with the novel application of met... More

Polypharmacy among elderly home care patients
10 May 2016
Systematic medication reviews are shown to be successful in reducing polypharmacy and inappropriate prescribing rates and shoul... More
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Bupropion overdose in adolescents: Three cases illuminating presentations and sequelae - A case series and review
01 Jun 2018
Bupropion is a dopamine, norepinephr... More

Antithrombotic activity of SBT-828 in models of arterial thrombosis
02 Nov 2016
A comparative study of antithromboti... More

Metformin: On ongoing journey across bladder cancer
11 May 2016
Bladder cancer represents the fourth... More

Polypharmacy among elderly home care patients
11 May 2016
The use of multiple medicines (polyp... More
Aims And Scope
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (JCPT) is an international refereed journal, which publishes high-quality original articles reporting new information on basic and clinical aspects of pharmacology and Toxicology . The wide range of topics includes pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics which includes absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion. The journal encourages submission of articles including, but not limited to, rational prescribing, adverse drug effects, toxicology, drug interactions, drug development, and any other relevant topic in the field.

Original research: primary research from any area of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
Case reports: reports of clinical cases that can be educational, describe a diagnostic or therapeutic dilemma, suggest an association, or present an important adverse reaction.
Editorial: to introduce and comment on major advances and developments in the field.
Methodology: present a new experimental method, test or procedure. The method described may either be completely new, or may offer a better version of an existing method. The article must describe a demonstrable advance on what is currently available. The method needs to have been well tested ideally, but not necessarily, used in a way that proves its value.
News and commentary: short, focused and opinionated articles on any subject with in the journal’s scope. These articles are usually related to a contemporary issue, such as recent research findings, and are often written by opinion of leaders invited by the editorial board. Editorial board members and section editors may write such articles to highlight hot or emerging areas of research within a given field.
Rapid communications: devoted to the publication of short papers presenting highly original and significant material.
Review: to review systematically progress and unresolved problems in the field and make suggestions for future work. Comprehensive, authoritative, descriptions of any subject within the scope of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology journal.
Short reports: brief reports of data from original research.
Letters to the Editor: to discuss and make reply to the contributions published in JCPT, or to introduce and comment on a controversial issue of general interest.
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